HSMO’s Animal Cruelty Task Force Conducts Emergency Rescue of 21 Dogs from Licensed Breeder in McDonald County, MO.

July 29, 2021

The Humane Society of Missouri’s (HSMO) Animal Cruelty Task Force (ACT) was deployed yesterday to rescue dogs from a licensed breeder in McDonald County, Mo., located in the southwestern corner of the state. The breeder had not allowed the Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA) to inspect the property at any time over the past year. As a result, the Missouri Attorney General’s Office sought, and was granted, a court order granting MDA officials immediate and unrestricted access to the facility. An inspection conducted under authority of the order found cause to return and remove the animals.

HSMO has been working closely with MDA as well as the local sheriff’s department, and a warrant to search and rescue on the property was secured yesterday. HSMO’s ACT team evaluated the scene and safely removed the dogs from outside kennels and an inside shelter. Breeds rescued include Boxer, Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, and others.

The rescued dogs have varying Body Condition Scores (BCS), including at least three with a BCS of 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. Unfortunately, evidence of several deceased dogs whose remains were disposed of recently, and one dog that died hours before rescuers arrived, were found on the property. The surviving animals arrived at HSMO’s St. Louis City headquarters at 11:45 p.m. yesterday. Today HSMO will begin triaging each dog, and they will receive professional and compassionate veterinary care and rehabilitation. As the animals recover and are eventually deemed healthy, HSMO hopes to make as many as possible available for adoption.

“These dogs have been living in horrific conditions; the breeder’s neglect is inhumane and utterly reprehensible,” said Kathy Warnick, president of the Humane Society of Missouri. “Thankfully, our Animal Cruelty Task Force was able to act swiftly to rescue these abused animals from their appalling situation and bring them to safety.”

With support from our generous donors, these animals will be given a second chance. A chance to heal from neglect and abuse. A chance to feel safe and loved in their forever home. Click here to donate towards the treatment, care, and rehabilitation of these 21 animals.

To report an animal who may be in danger or is suffering from neglect or abuse, call the local police and the Humane Society of Missouri’s Animal Cruelty Hotline at (314) 647-4400.

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