Foster a Pet

Consider Fostering a Pet Today!
Humane Society of Missouri’s (HSMO’s) Foster Care Program is all about providing second chances. This program places animals in temporary homes until they are ready to find their forever homes. Foster parents open up their homes and hearts to animals in need. These dedicated volunteers provide an opportunity to grow and socialize shelter pets from abused and neglected animals to those displaced due to disasters and unforeseen emergencies.
Did You Know?
- Fostering offers a great deal of flexibility for people who work, travel and attend school.
- The average length of a foster is 1-3 weeks.
- Most fosters involve young puppies and kitten.
- Our foster care program could not exist without the genorosity of our donors and volunteers.
- Our program was founded in 1996.

How You Can Get Involved
Become a foster parent and provide love and care to animals in your own home. Foster parents decide when, how long, and what animals they foster. All food, medical care and supplies are provided by HSMO. Emergency Care foster parents are also needed to provide emergency lodging and care during times of disaster. If you’re unable to foster, you can still support the program with a donation. We cannot do this without the financial support of caring people like YOU!
If you’re interested in becoming a foster parent, call 314.802.5710 or click one of the links below.