Eight Starving Equine Rescued from Sullivan County

October 19, 2016

The Humane Society of Missouri Animal Cruelty Task Force (ACT) in cooperation with the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office is rescuing eight emaciated equine, five horses and three mules, from a property outside of Milan, Mo. in Sullivan County.

The ACT first became aware of this situation in June of this year and tried to work with the owner to improve conditions for the animals. The animals’ condition continued to deteriorate and it became apparent the owners were unwilling to properly care for the animals. Therefore, the Sheriff’s Office obtained a warrant for removal of the animals do to their extremely poor body conditions. All of the animals are very thin to extremely emaciated.

The animals are living on one acre of land barren of all forage. The property includes several buildings and not enough open land to provide sufficient grazing to sustain eight equine. When ACT investigators visited the property last week there was no food and only minimal, filthy water available to the animals.

“Allowing animals to slowly starve to death is the very definition of cruelty,” said Kathy Warnick, president of the Humane Society of Missouri and Longmeadow Rescue Ranch. “We are recommending prosecution to the fullest extent of the law and will do everything we can to give these animals the second chances they so desperately deserve.”

The animals will be transported to the Humane Society’s Longmeadow Rescue Ranch for veterinary examination and treatment and expert care from ranch staff. Because of the length of time it takes to rehabilitate animals in this poor condition, these horses and mules may not be available for adoption for several months.

A disposition hearing to determine permanent custody will be held at on Monday, Oct. 24, 2016. The owners of the equine are expected to be charged with six counts of animal abuse/neglect.

Donations to help in the lengthy care for these horses and mules may be made by calling 314.951.1542 or you can make an online donation now »

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